DON & SANCHO. . .The Saga Continues

Thursday, March 17, 2005


The Duke and Duchess of East, TX., loaded the wagon, complete with Don Andrew and Don Matthew. Their destination was Houston and a visit with friends from the City of Angels on the West Coast. After a nice visit with old friends they reloaded the wagon to return to East, TX.

They decided to take a small detour to visit the Duke and Duchess of Waxland along with Don Sean. It was at this point the discovery was made. Doña Duchess discovered she had left her purse in the hotel lobby in Houston.

Quickly Doña Duchess called both the hotel and her friend and some very nice, honest person had turned in the purse to authorities. All the friend had to do after positive I.D. had been established, was mail the purse to Doña Duchess

Several days later the Duchess called and visited this befuddled old laborer on her way to the United States Post Office to secure her purse. In a few minutes, while they were in that Post Office, Grandpa Sancho got this phone call: Grandpa, where is my grabber? Now, for you who might not know what a grabber is, it is a device used by those who have had hip surgery and other surgeries. These devices are very handy in fetching many things the patient can’t reach. Grandpa Sancho has three such grabbers since he has had three hip surgeries. Don Andrew thought that a grabber made a fine Don Quixote Adventure device to do all sorts of things. He claimed one of the grabbers as his own, which his old Grandpa was happy to oblige.

Andrew, I have your grabber and I will bring it to the Key City of West Texas for you to use this weekend. In the background this sharecropper heard someone ask, Are you really talking on the phone. Who are you talking to? Don Andrew replied, My Grandpa!

This ancient one was a bit confused so he asked, Is that your Dad? It did sound a bit like him. Don Andrew replied, in a kind of authoritative voice, No, Grandpa, I’m at the post office. Grandpa, I need to tell you some secrets. That was okay. I was good with that idea. Grandpa and grandson secrets can be pretty neat and enlightening.

So, Don Andrew, went around the corner, perhaps being a bit embarrassed at the postal person asking such questions. Then Don Andrew ran into a woman and, being the chivalrous knight that he is, offered to help the damsel in distress. He offered to help open her Post Office box to get her mail. She assured Don Andrew she could do the job but I could tell she proceeded immediately to let him help her.

After this ordeal, Grandpa Sancho was inquisitive. Andrew, tell your old Grandpa the secrets. Don Andrew got really low in his speech but at the same time being quite bold. He said, Grandpa, you are a stinker! Was that it? Probably so! Grandpa Sancho replied, No, Andrew, you are the stinker. You are the one who began with the Benny the Jet stance and rand and jumped feet first into the creek.

No, Grandpa, you jumped into the creek. Was Don Andrew in denial? Could he be projecting his behavior on poor old Grandpa Sancho? I think he was having fun with his old Grandpa. Don’t believe he doesn’t enjoy that! What a neat kid to have for a grandson. And, we are blessed with three others just as neat. How about that!


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