DON & SANCHO. . .The Saga Continues

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Don Andrew always has a plan for his old Grandpa Sancho. Three times this week he has gotten on the telephone and told his ancient squire how Grandpa Sancho can come see him tomorrow. The best this old sharecropper can figure is that tomorrow is 4-year old talk for pretty soon. This boy wants to be with his old Grandpa so we can play Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. Do you suppose he was humoring this old man?

One night last week Doña Duchess was preparing to read Don Andrew his bedtime story when he began to pucker up. Don Andrew has the best pucker up of nearly any kid you have ever seen. You know he means business. He did not want to read a story but he wanted the Duchess to tell him a story. What story would you like to hear, Andrew? Tell me a story about Grandpa’s scar. Don Andrew is worried about his old squire’s leg and if it will allow him to play with Don Andrew.

This evening Don Andrew called. Grandpa, we are going to the Key City of West Texas (which isn’t even really in West Texas) to visit Great Grandma Floy and we can go to the park and play Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. Now really, who knows what we will play. But, we will play and we will have a barrel of fun just because we can be together. He can be with his old Grandpa.

This ancient one knows there will come a time when there will be other interests for this young knight than his old squire Grandpa Sancho. Don Andrew will go on to bigger and better things. We go through that time with our kids and we must go through the same time with our grandchildren. But, isn’t it great while it lasts? And, other times are just as good. We might cease to be the center of attention and we might not be allowed to make them the center of our attention in the same way, but those times will be good too.

Being a grandparent brings tears to the eye every now and then. It’s tough, but somebody has to do it. This old Grandpa loves it.


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