DON & SANCHO. . .The Saga Continues

Thursday, August 25, 2005


What a neat experience to get a call from Don Andrew. Everytime he calls he does so with a great deal of purpose. He is not one to waste words or phone calls.
Usually his conversations include a desire to have us come see him this Saturday or Sunday. The really cute thing is not always the things he wants to tell his old squire so much as the way he does it
Grandpa (pause) , I want to come see you and Grandma for five weeks. Wow! I think I would enjoy that but he would be ready to go home to Daddy and Mommy the second day. Grandpa (pause), I saw a Nina Moon last night. (That's when the moon is shaped like a banana if you have forgotten). Don Andrew hasn't forgotten. Grandpa (pause), I granduationed all the way to the church building. Do you remember that one?
This old knight's squire loves every minute of our conversations because they are very important to our young knight and his loyal squire.
The latest experience: Grandpa (pause) when you get here I want to show you how I can swim. Then, Grandpa (pause), we will play baseball. Then, Grandpa (pause) we will have an advanture, Don Quoxite and Sancho Panza!
Then as suddenly as he began, Don Andrew tells this old sharecropper, Grandpa (pause), I'm through. Bye! I love you. Grandpa Sancho loves to hear from his grandkids.

Monday, August 08, 2005


The day began early. Don Andrew and Grandpa Sancho watched Jo Jo the Clown, which we always do when we are together. Don Sean and the Duke and Duchess of Waxland were also with us. Don Sean is a very busy little boy. He has no time for Jo Jo because he must begin early to play with the toys.

The time finally came. After breakfast we went to Wally World for everything we would need for the day. We had to get day licenses, a life jacket for Don Sean, more fishing hooks, and the two boys got to pick out their favorite colored bobber. We also got two boxes of wormies. We even bought a chair for Grandma Sancha because she forgot to bring hers along for the trip. Of course, she made this poor old crippled sharecropper sit in the chair once we got to the old fishing hole.

So we were off to a typical fishing trip. We had spent $100 on all kinds of fishing goodies, ice, cold drinks and hadn’t seen any water yet—except in the bottles in Wally World.
The excitement grew as we all headed 75 miles to the south to reach the lake we had chosen, but we actually stopped 25 miles later because we found a better deal—a closer lake with a great shade tree.

After fishing for only thirty minutes it looked like Don Sean would be the fishing champ. He had caught a perch. As we approached an hour both boys caught another perch. Don Matthew was busy soaking his diaper and other things that 1½ year olds do.

Then it happened. There’s never been a moment before like this one and there will not likely be another anytime soon. Don Andrew’s bobber (West Texan for cork) went under. Of course, Don Andrew was off down the shore throwing rocks into the lake. But, the fish wouldn’t give up. It just stayed on the hook and after a great struggle, Don Andrew got that channel cat reeled in. What a feat!

The fish had to be a record. Surely no one has ever caught a channel catfish so small. This little booger was just bigger than the wormie Don Andrew had on his hook. It must have been a very hungry little catfish.

An hour and a half and that fun was all anyone wanted. It was probably one of the hottest days on record this year for central Texas. We did not cook that great catch of fish. We released every one of them so they could go off and grow up a bit before our next fishing trip. We went to town for a much needed hamburger and lemonade.

Grandpa Sancho surely has fun with his grandsons. Incidentally, Don Matthew holds the record for eating the most french-fries.