DON & SANCHO. . .The Saga Continues

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Don’t ever forget. Our young knight Don Andrew, aka Don Quixote de la Mancha, is a very brave little boy. Last Saturday he wanted to seek high adventure. We began by riding his bike. We were supposed to go left, turn right, make a circle and come back home. But, what we actually did was go right, turn right, and turn right again. In the middle of this particular block Don Andrew announced, My best friend lives there! The really neat thing about this little fellow is that he has many best friends.

About that time Don Andrew decided he really needed to go to the bathroom (bad) so we turned round right there because this old sharecropper did not know how far it would be if we continued in the same direction. As his need grew greater, Don Andrew decided it would be better if he rode back to the house on Grandpa Sancho’s shoulders. This we did with this ancient one carrying his cane and the bike, along with our valiant knight.

We returned home just in time for Andrew to use the bathroom. After all those experiences he was ready for even greater adventures. We went to the back yard, gathered up all the baseballs and his bat and he hit quite a few, with many traveling over the creek and into the neighbor’s yard to the rear. For a four-year-old this little fellow packs quite a wallop when it comes to hitting the baseball.

Then it was on to even greater adventures. Naturally his thoughts returned to Don Quixote as it so often does. Don Andrew saw a stick in the tree that looked perfect for a sword. We had to get a rope to do this one. We roped the limb but were quite unsuccessful in getting the entire limb down from the tree.

He wanted to be Tarzan for a little while. So, Grandpa Sancho tied the rope around a rather sturdy limb and Don Andrew began to swing back and forth. But, our young knight’s mind would not leave the limb alone that we left in the tree next to the one he was swinging on at the time.

One could see the light bulb go on in his mind as Don Andrew moved his slide over to the tree. Grandpa Sancho warned him that he might have a mishap doing things like that. Don Andrew assured his faithful squire he could swing to tree #1 and then safely swing to tree #2 where the limb was hanging. No seemed not to be an option. Don Andrew swung on the rope and crashed into the tree like George of the Jungle, who never landed where he was supposed to land, crashing into cliffs, trees and other objects. Watch out for that tree!

Not to be denied, Don Andrew again mounted the slide for try #2. Before he descended Grandpa Sancho looked at his leg and wiped blood from a scratch and showed it to him. Don Andrew immediately began to sob, big crocodile tears. It was more than this old grandpa could handle. He had to hold his young grandson very tightly. In just a moment, Don Andrew announced, That never happened to George of the Jungle.

Of course Don Andrew was talking about the bloodshed. That did not last long until he was once again in quest of the hanging limb.