DON & SANCHO. . .The Saga Continues

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Grandpa Sancho went out early on Friday morning to take his two mile walk down the Southwest Highway. He noticed as he left, and also as he returned home, there were quite a few snails crawling on the sidewalk in front of the house. This unusual snail activity was due to the exceptional rains that have come to West Texas this fall. Don Andrew could really have a good time with all those snails.

This old sharecropper does a lot of thinking as he makes that long walk. Oftentimes Doña Duchess calls to touch bases with her father. She has been such a good daughter, wife, and mother. She demonstrates a great deal of love for her aging parents, her husband, and two small sons.

On this particular morning, Grandpa Sancho had snails on his mind after talking with his daughter. There was a good reason for that. It all happened before he left that brave young knight Don Andrew on the last visit. After there had been so many adventures, Don Andrew said, Come here, grandpa. He had something very special to give this old squire.

Don Andrew gave his grandpa a snail. Of course, it was just a shell. The snail had long since gone on to where all disappearing snails go. As is always the case, he left his shell behind. It always works this way, unless the snail gets squashed and then the snail still goes where all disappearing snails go, he just doesn’t leave his shell behind.

Grandpa (pause), take this home with you. It will make a beautiful butterfly. Grandpa Sancho had no problem understanding our brave young knight might confuse a snail shell with a cocoon. Who might not just do the same thing at four years of age?

Grandpa Sancho is still waiting to see if a beautiful butterfly comes out. He knows it will never happen. But this old man cherishes that snail and keeps it in a very special place because he received it from his grandson as a special gift. You just can’t enjoy life more than that.