DON & SANCHO. . .The Saga Continues

Monday, October 11, 2004

Hello, Sancho Panza

Sometimes Don Andrew just skips the Grandpa (on the phone) anymore and goes straight to, Hello, Sancho Panza. He called sometime back to tell me about this very special rock he had found for me. He had to tell me every little detail.

When we arrived in East, TX (Somewhere in the vicinity of Lipan—wherever that is—and, don’t believe that Fort Worth is really Where the West Begins! That’s nearly as absurd as Abilene being the Key City of West Texas! Boy I got off—anyway, I think Lipan is even west of Fort Worth but East of Abilene, which is still not in West Texas.

After arriving in East, TX, we played around a little, ate, and otherwise enjoyed family fellowship together. I finally asked Don Andrew where this special rock he had for me was hiding. You guessed it! He had hidden it very close to some sticks. He ran out into the backyard. Now, in this backyard there are at least 1 kazillion rocks, some are quite beautiful I might add, as is the backyard.

You should have seen this little very special rock he had found for me. The only identifiable thing was that it was sort-of flat. Given a good tank (some folks say stock tanks while people up north of the Red River call them ponds; people down south call them pools. Can you imagine any on that? Anyway, I can’t wait to show Don Andrew how to skip rocks in a tank or lake someday.

Look, Grandpa, sticks! With one in each hand we were off on another adventure. There are many trees back there that must be attacked. This befuddled old laborer has yet to find Don Andrew a windmill. But, you just wait. Now that Don Andrew has seen that cartoon, he will end up having to fight one. He is extremely inventive and quite a brilliant little man. It’s easy to tell he took after his befuddled old sidekick.

We started this number with a phone call, didn’t we? Generally we talk for only a short time because he gets distracted by something else (something else he got from this befuddled old laborer), whereupon he will say, Do you want to talk to your daughter? I love you too Grandpa!

That’s the way he ends every message anymore. I can tell you it surely makes this befuddled old laborer a happy man to talk to Don Andrew.


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