DON & SANCHO. . .The Saga Continues

Thursday, November 25, 2004


We are rather looking forward to loading up the wagon and heading east this time—Grandma Sancha and this befuddled old laborer. We believe so many good things are going to happen. We have always been an optimistic duo.

This old share cropper has three sisters. Two of them and their families will be in Further East, TX., for Thanksgiving festivities. That is always fun because we all get along so well and have a big and marvelous time together.

But that is not all; there is another knight in this family. He just isn’t into fighting windmills yet. I think that will come along one of these days when this befuddled old laborer gets his leg screwed on straight. The Duke and Duchess of Wax Land have this other young knight whose name is Don Sean. The Duke and Duchess are into rhyming pretty well, aren’t they? Right now Don Sean is into the Veggie Generation and other exciting adventures. One of these days he and Sancho Grandpa will get out into some knightly pursuits and swordfight a tree, or windmill or snake or fire ant. Who knows? I think they have all those things down there in Wax Land.

We also have a princess who lives in Midessa Land. Of course her parents, the Duke and Duchess Bull are very proud of her as are we. She is mostly into “girl things” and has little time for knightly pursuits. But, she is not to be left out or slighted in any way because of her thoughts of the things that are so very important to her. The Duke and Duchess Bull are into several very important pursuits. The Duke is a little like this befuddled old laborer in a lot of ways. He too bites off more than he can chew and never gets everything done. That seems to run in the family.

We plan to all be together for a Thanksgiving Dinner that can’t be beat! But, not to be confusing, we don’t always follow the ways of the world. Ours will be on Friday. Then Sancho Grandpa has very little time to loose weight and get ready for the BIG EVENT at 5:00 a.m. on Monday morning when we continue on the trail east to Never, Never Land (Dallas) and the Medical Practitioner takes knives, saws, squares, nuts, bolts and other implements of destruction, (and I hope reconstruction) and overhauls Grandpa Sancho’s ole right leg. All these years of share cropping have left this befuddled old laborer in pretty shabby condition. (I am either Grandpa Sancho or vice versa. Just wanted to clear up that confusion).

Don’t forget how we started this little message. Grandpa Sancho and Grandma Sancha have always been an optimistic duo as well as a faith duo. We believe in better things to come. Come on and join us and let’s celebrate a great Thanksgiving together, but let’s all do it in our own homes. This befuddled old laborer might just be in a pile of trouble if everyone shows up in Further East, TX. Happy Holidays and we hope many great adventures follow.

Monday, November 22, 2004


Once again Grandma Sancha and this befuddled old laborer had to travel on the trail East to Never-Never Land (Dallas) to find out more about this old laborer’s leg. The surgeon and hospital together required “upfront money” in advance. The amount ($15,000) immediately threw this befuddled old laborer into shock. It’s difficult to raise that much money on a share cropper’s wages. It’s a good thing Grandma Sancha was along because she has a way of figuring all these things out. We also had very dear friends along which also helped us escape Never-Never Land alive.

Grandpa Sancho called our young knight Don Andrew who, along with his parents the Duke and Duchess and his little brother Don Matthew met us beside the trail to Never-Never Land for a hamburger. Our young knight had had another thing happen at Day Care Land. He caught some kind of hoof and mouth or hand and mouth disease. Day Care Land can often make a well person sick due to the variety of opportunities to catch new and exotic diseases.

This disease obviously affected our young knight’s thought world as well. All of a sudden he was Buzz and Grandpa Sancho was Woody once again. This sudden shift in characters can leave this befuddled old laborer’s head swimming.

Our young knight’s tongue and mouth were so sore from that exotic Day Care Land disease he couldn’t put catsup on Grandma Sancha’s french-fries, but he ate everyone of them anyway. Our young knight has a strong spirit as well as a great appetite most of the time.

All this occurred in the space of about an hour. Do you know how great that makes this befuddled old laborer’s heart feel to be able to hug and get a kiss or two from our young knight and hug his Dad and Mom? Don Matthew slept through the entire ordeal. Ain’t that a hoot!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe it last Thursday. Even to this day I cannot believe it. There is someone in the world that does not understand aka. Whoever it is hasn’t hung around prisons as much as this befuddled old laborer has over the last few years. But that is no excuse. This knight’s squire has visited many, many homes and each one has one thing in common—TV. Hardly anyone does not have a TV. Now, come on—if you don’t have a TV, write to me and I will send you the very next coupon I get in junk mail for a free TV. One does not of necessity have to hang around prisons to understand aka.

Don Andrew began last Saturday aka Tarzan, just as soon as I got him a rope in the tree. He swung back and forth, bumped his little bottom on the ground about 55 times, but had a genuinely good time. He was Tarzan all the way. He didn’t even have to beat his chest and let out the yell that Tarzan always does. Just because he was swinging back and forth through the trees (actually only one tree and one rope) he was Tarzan. That’s not too difficult to figure.

A little while later our little knight was Buzz; i.e., Don Andrew aka Buzz. That’s not too difficult to figure either. As Buzz, he went on a treasure hunt and found his mom Doña Duchess a beautiful blue rock. Still, I don’t see what would be so difficult to figure about that.

Then Don Andrew became aka Wormie Digger because we brought the “A” Shovel. You haven’t forgotten that have you? And, by gum, he found a bunch of wormies. Now, Wormie Digger is not too difficult to figure either.

Still later, the Duke began to trim the little trees in front of the house. Guess what Don Andrew found? You guessed it, if you keep up with the episodes of this continuing saga, he got two swords (sticks) out of the deal. He even gave one to Doña Grandma, a small 9 inch sword. Ladies need only small swords. Once again he was Don Quixote de la Mancha off to war against the terrors of the trees in the yard. (A special note: we have found two windmills in East, TX, so you may get a visual on this Blogspot before long).

Now, here’s the problem I have been building up to all this time. What does it take to work at a daycare? Surely anyone with a high school diploma knows what aka means! You’ve got to be kiddin’ if they don’t. On Thursday Don Andrew announced at daycare he was a Credible (how he pronounces The Incredible’s at this point). To this, one of the ill-informed employees replied, No you aren’t. You are Andrew. What is the matter with this female personage? Perhaps she needs aka training. Maybe she missed childhood. We will not make fun of her because that would not be fair to her because Don Andrew loves all his daycare people. Besides all that, we do not believe in making fun of anyone, anyway. We just needed material for this article and we found it and with that, this befuddled old laborer closes.

Monday, November 08, 2004


I really don’t rightly know where to begin this marvelous adventure but I will try anyway. As I’ve said on occasion, life today is confusing to this befuddled old laborer. The fact is that Doña Grandma and I had to go to never, never land (Dallas) to have Grandpa Sancho’s mangled up old right leg checked out for possible corrective surgery.

We came back from that horrific adventure and arrived in East, TX, to spend a couple of days with our young knight Don Andrew and his little brother Don Matthew and the Duke and Duchess. Everyday is an adventure with them but Saturday was very special, I think. The Duke was out raising vast sums of money for the Royal Chorale of the East. We were confronted with this most exciting opportunity.

It has been many years since this befuddled old laborer has been to a drive- in theater. In fact he hasn’t even seen one for many years. When we were much younger we always went to $1-a-carload night. We loaded up Don Andrew, and a Suburban full of the rest of us and proceeded to the drive-in theater where we saw the opening of The Incredibles—which was quite incredible indeed. To start with, What happened to $1-a-carload drive-in theaters? This thing was $18-a-carload whether there was one or 100. Everyone there had a tailgate party with plenty to eat and fun for all. There were about a jillion kids running around all over the place.

We nearly froze to death. Heading home our young knight said, Grandpa, let’s say some of The Incredibles was good and some of it was bad. To this befuddled old laborer that was about like saying, Let’s say we enjoyed the movie, but we really didn’t.

We did have a good time watching this little girl run around in circles and squares in the theater parking lot. Someone’s horn alarm went off for 3 minutes. An airplane or two took off and landed at a nearby airport. There was no Nina Moon because it was cloudy. We had a great picnic with lots of good food and popcorn. But, as for The Incredibles---someone at Pixar had a really bad nightmare on that one. The DSM-IV-TR probably does not hold enough categories to accommodate the members of this dysfunctional family of super heroes. Not all adventures can be perfect but to get to hold the young knight in my lap for a couple of hours was well worth the cold and all the other effort and money that went into it all for this befuddled old laborer.