DON & SANCHO. . .The Saga Continues

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe it last Thursday. Even to this day I cannot believe it. There is someone in the world that does not understand aka. Whoever it is hasn’t hung around prisons as much as this befuddled old laborer has over the last few years. But that is no excuse. This knight’s squire has visited many, many homes and each one has one thing in common—TV. Hardly anyone does not have a TV. Now, come on—if you don’t have a TV, write to me and I will send you the very next coupon I get in junk mail for a free TV. One does not of necessity have to hang around prisons to understand aka.

Don Andrew began last Saturday aka Tarzan, just as soon as I got him a rope in the tree. He swung back and forth, bumped his little bottom on the ground about 55 times, but had a genuinely good time. He was Tarzan all the way. He didn’t even have to beat his chest and let out the yell that Tarzan always does. Just because he was swinging back and forth through the trees (actually only one tree and one rope) he was Tarzan. That’s not too difficult to figure.

A little while later our little knight was Buzz; i.e., Don Andrew aka Buzz. That’s not too difficult to figure either. As Buzz, he went on a treasure hunt and found his mom Doña Duchess a beautiful blue rock. Still, I don’t see what would be so difficult to figure about that.

Then Don Andrew became aka Wormie Digger because we brought the “A” Shovel. You haven’t forgotten that have you? And, by gum, he found a bunch of wormies. Now, Wormie Digger is not too difficult to figure either.

Still later, the Duke began to trim the little trees in front of the house. Guess what Don Andrew found? You guessed it, if you keep up with the episodes of this continuing saga, he got two swords (sticks) out of the deal. He even gave one to Doña Grandma, a small 9 inch sword. Ladies need only small swords. Once again he was Don Quixote de la Mancha off to war against the terrors of the trees in the yard. (A special note: we have found two windmills in East, TX, so you may get a visual on this Blogspot before long).

Now, here’s the problem I have been building up to all this time. What does it take to work at a daycare? Surely anyone with a high school diploma knows what aka means! You’ve got to be kiddin’ if they don’t. On Thursday Don Andrew announced at daycare he was a Credible (how he pronounces The Incredible’s at this point). To this, one of the ill-informed employees replied, No you aren’t. You are Andrew. What is the matter with this female personage? Perhaps she needs aka training. Maybe she missed childhood. We will not make fun of her because that would not be fair to her because Don Andrew loves all his daycare people. Besides all that, we do not believe in making fun of anyone, anyway. We just needed material for this article and we found it and with that, this befuddled old laborer closes.


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