Doña Duchess called this old knight’s squire one day this week. She simply said, I have someone who wants to talk to you. Immediately Don Andrew began by saying, Hello Grandpa. From that point he started off on what seemed like a never-ending story.
When Don Andrew gets through talking, he is through! Trust me! Well, that’s usually the case. On this particular day he said, and it is always this way, very rapidly, I love you Grandpa, Goodbye. Of course, this ancient one couldn’t understand some of what he said but he got most of it and enjoyed the message.
Then came a big surprise. Wait a minute, Grandpa, I have one more thing to tell you. He told his old Grandpa about special rocks he had saved and we could share when the two of us could get together, when his Grandpa came to seem him. Grandpa could have them just as soon as he came. Then he said, I love you Grandpa, Goodbye.
That was really neat, but wait a minute! He still wasn’t through with his old Grandpa. Wait a minute, Grandpa, I have one more thing to tell you. If you ask my Mommy and Daddy if you can come see me on Sunday and you can stay with us and we’ll hunt Easter eggs. I’ll see you Sunday, Grandpa. I love you Grandpa, Goodbye. This time he was gone!
The very next day this old share cropper got a call from Doña Duchess again. Usually Don Andrew is too busy to talk to his old Grandpa. Since Grandpa Sancho wasn’t born yesterday, he had a very special plan. Before hanging up he told Doña Duchess, Tell Don Andrew his old Grandpa has one more thing to tell him. It was not expected that Don Andrew would be too excited.
I’ve got to find out what my Grandpa has to tell me. Now, of course, this befuddled one had to come up with an answer. A man had mowed the grass and found our two special sticks we use for swords to fight all the enemy trees and bushes and fences, and weeds, and sometimes even cars.
After we discussed all that Grandpa Sancho told this brave knight that his Grandpa would probably be on his walker only one more week. Don Andrew had a four year old plan. Grandpa, we can get you a stick cane and we can go to the park and . . .One cannot top Don Andrew. Grandchildren are so neat.