It really doesn’t matter how old a child is, he or she generally falls into the latest craze. Our gallant knight and hero of these stories is no exception. At three years of age he was into the Credibles, as he called them. Remember, he didn’t much like this movie at first but the high pressure exerted on him at that Day Care holding facility for kids not old enough to attend regular schools took its toll and he became a huge Credible fan.
Recently Grandma Sancha was talking with our young knight on the phone when Don Andrew announced. Guess what Grandma, we are going to have a little sister and her name is going to be Chewbacca. Grandma Sancha was taken by surprise but not as much as Doña Duchess who obviously did not know where all this information came from.
Of course, Grandpa Sancho had to get into some of this action. This old sharecropper asked Don Andrew. What will we call you new baby sister Chewie or Chubbie? Her name is going to be Chewbacca, he replied. But, did you know that Chewbacca is a boy. Then Don Andrew had to think about that one for a time. I guess we will just call her Chewbacca’s wife. Well, think we had better change subjects before we get in over our heads.
A few days later Don Andrew had to talk to his old Grandpa. Grandpa , did you know that you have to be a teenager before you can go see Starwars? I will have to wait until I am 9 or 10 before I can go to see Starwars. He did not seem particularly upset about the whole thing but he had to tell his old grandpa three or four times about him having to wait until he is 9 or 10 before he can see the movie as a teenager.
Wouldn’t it be really great to have a four year old’s concept of time and space and lots of other things. Us Older Folks wouldn’t worry nearly so much about lots of trivial things we tend to worry about. Lot’s of things would just pass without us even thinking about them. And, while we are on the subject, wouldn’t it be great to have the innocence of one of those little ones? Think how many heartaches we could have avoided by just thinking like a small child. Jesus was surely right about that!