DON & SANCHO. . .The Saga Continues

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Not everyone can enjoy life as much as we do. Don’t you feel that way today? That would be a great way to begin each new day. What a terrific attitude. Recently Don Andrew had a few bad days. He came down with a terrible case of the Cat Scratch Fever. That is a terrible disease caused by those slinky animals that are not nearly as much fun as puppy dogs.

Just before that happened, everyone that was in the east and nearly everyone that was in the west loaded all the wagons and headed for that city that claims to be the Key City of West Texas, but it really isn’t even in West Texas. It’s square in the central part of Texas, but that is not what I want to tell you about today.

Don Andrew already felt a little bad due to the Cat Scratch Fever, but it wasn’t hurting him all that badly at this point. When he piled out of the wagon he was ready for some real adventure with his old Grandpa Sancho. As our good fortune would have it, Don Sean was also along for this little adventure. So these two brave warriors were ready to take on anything that didn’t move too fast.

Compete with stick swords they attacked the apricot tree in the back yard. This went on for a good while until suddenly; there was a change in plans. Grandpa, let’s climb the tree. That sounded like a terrific idea to this old sharecropper. So, we helped both these brave warriors up into the tree. They twisted around and got good footholds and were having such a good time until Don Andrew saw something in the tree. In fact, there were probably thousands of tiny apricots about half an inch wide.

Don Andrew exclaimed in a very loud and excited manner, Look Grandpa, grapes. Now this befuddled old laborer nearly got on the ground over that one but he can’t do that because he might not ever get up again because of the half leg plague. This is not the same as the Black Leg. It’s more like the metal leg.

Back to the subject: Grandpa Sancho had to do some swift explaining to keep our young warrior from eating one of the grapes he had found. But, when he understood what they were and that they were fun to sword fight against and to throw out into the pasture, everything was once again great on our adventure to the Key City of West Texas which is really in central Texas. Those young knights had a blast but perhaps never more than this old squire who got a chance to once again get to be with his grandsons.

I nearly forgot about Don Matthew. He is still too little for the size of adventures Don Andrew and Don Sean are enjoying when they get together with their old Grandpa.


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